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发布时间:2013年05月15日 点击数:



Program 会议议程

Wednesday, 15th May 2013 Day 1


Registration(注册): 11:00 am-18:00 pm, Lobby of Hilford Hotel 希尔福酒店大厅

Lunch Time  (午餐): 12:30 pm, Taoran Restaurant 陶然私房菜(希尔福酒店门口)

Dinner Time(晚餐): 18:30 pm, Taoran Restaurant 陶然私房菜


Thursday, 16th May 2013 Day 2

Bus Pick-up at Hilford Hotel: 8:30 am


 Opening Ceremony(开幕式): 9:00-9:30 am, Song-en Building 220 (颂恩楼220


Chair:         Prof. SHI Xueqin 施雪琴教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

9:00-9:15   Welcome Remarks (致辞)

Prof. ZHUANG Guotu 庄国土教授 厦门大学国际关系学院/南洋研究院 院长

Dean, Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

Prof. Heinz DUCHHARDT 马克斯-韦伯基金会会长

Ditrctor, Max Weber Foundation, Bonn, Germany

                    Prof.  DING Jiongchun 丁炯淳教授 华侨博物院 院长

                    Dean, Overseas Chinese Museum


Keynote Speech (主题演讲): 9:30-10:10 am, Song-en Building 220 (颂恩楼220


The Concept of Nationstate Revisited—Chinese Migration in Global Perspectives


Prof. ZHAO Xiaojian 赵小建教授

Department of Asian American Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

Comment (English): Prof. Heinz DUCHHARDT

Max Weber Foundation, Bonn, Germany


Photo Taking: 10:10-10:20 am, Song-en Building 颂恩楼前


Tea Break: 10:20-10:40 am, Song-en Building 1036 颂恩楼1036


 Panel 1: Contributions of Overseas Chinese to the Modernization of China 华侨华人对中国现代化的贡献10:40-11:40 am, Song-en Building 1036  


Chair: Prof. ZHUANG Guotu 庄国土教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

1. 美国科技界华人与中国科学的现代化

US Overseas Chinese and their contribution to the modernization of the Chinese sciences

Prof. LEE Ying-Hui 李盈慧教授

Department of History, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

Comment (English): Prof. Sabine DABRINGHAUS 达素彬教授

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany

2. 潮汕侨乡的海外联系—磷溪镇、隆都镇调研概述

The investigation report on the connection between Chaoshan overseas and their hometown

RA CHEN Yong(陈雍助理研究员)and Prof. HUAN Xiaojian (黄晓坚教授)

 Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou, Guangdong

Comment (Chinese): Assoc. Prof. WANG Wangbo 王望波副教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Lunch Time12:00-14:00 pm, Yi-fu Building  (逸夫楼)


Panel 2-4: 14:00-17:30 pm, Song-en Building 1036 (颂恩楼1036


Panel 2: Homeland Linkages家乡联系(14:00-15:00 pm

Chair: Prof. Sabine DABRINGHAUS 达素彬教授

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany

1. 银信网络中的华南乡村社会流动—以清末民国时期的广东台山县和开平县为中心

Remittances network and social mobility in the hometowns of Overseas Chinese in North America – A case study of Kaiping and Taishan in the late Qing and Republican period

Prof. LIU Jin 刘进教授

Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong

Comment (Chinese): Prof. CHAO Longqi 潮龙起教授

Jinan University, Guangdong

2. 近代美国华侨与广东四邑侨乡基督教的传播

Overseas Chinese and the spread of Christianity in Guangdong’s Four Counties

Prof. CHAO Longqi潮龙起教授

Jinan University, Guangdong

Comment (Chinese): Prof. LIU Jin刘进教授

Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong


Tea Break: 15:00-15:30 pm


Panel 3: Integration in Southeast Asia东南亚华人的融合(15:30-16:30 pm

Chair: Dr. Bernhard ROSCHER

Max Weber Foundation, Bonn, Germany

1. Changing diaspora identities and modern nation-building in Indonesia

Prof. Sabine DABRINGHAUS 达素彬教授

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany

Comment (English): Assoc. Prof. HUANG Jianli 黄坚立副教授

National University of Singapore

2. 20世纪初福建人成为马来语华人最大方言群的主要因素

Main factors of Hokkiens as the largest Malayan Chinese dialect group in the early 20th century

Assoc. Prof. WANG Fubing 王付兵副教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Comment (Chinese): Prof. HUANG Xiaojian 黄晓坚教授

Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou, Guangdong


Panel 4: Transcultural Individuals 跨文化华侨华人 16:30-17:30 pm

Chair: Prof. ZHAO Xiaojian 赵小建教授

Department of Asian American Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

1. Translocality in the Chinese diaspora: Lee Kong Chian & his Southeast Asian business empire, 1920s-1960s


Assoc. Prof. HUANG Jianli 黄坚立副教授

 National University of Singapore

Comment (English): Prof. SHI Xueqin 施雪琴教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

2. Vasilyof China and his Russian friends. Transcultural identities in the Sino-Soviet borderlands


Dr. Sören URBANSKY 吴若痕博士

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany

Comment (English): Assoc. Prof. WONG Sin Kiong 黄贤强副教授

National University of Singapore


Dinner18:00-20:00 pm, Yi-fu Building (逸夫楼)


Friday, 17th May 2013 Day 3

Bus Pick-up at Hilford Hotel: 8:30 am


Panel 5-6: 9:00-11:30 am, Song-en Building 1036 (颂恩楼1036


Panel 5: Migration and Families 迁移与家庭(9:00-10:00 am

Chair: Prof. Heinz DUNCHHARDT

Max Weber Foundation, Bonn, Germany

1. 二十世纪上半期人口国际迁移与中国家庭:冲击与维持

(International migration and the left-behind families in China in the first half of the twentieth century: Challenges and sustaining)

Assoc. Prof. SHEN Huifen 沈惠芬副教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

 Comment (Chinese): Prof. Lee Ying-Hui 李盈慧教授

 Department of History, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

2. Taishanese ‘widow’ and American concubine Reconstructing transnational migration and marriage


Prof. LING Huping 令狐萍教授

Truman State University Kirksville, USA

Comment (English): Assoc. Prof. SHEN Huifen 沈惠芬副教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Tea Break: 10:00-10:30 am


Panel 6: China’s Policies towards Overseas Chinese and China’s Politics Overseas 中国的华侨政策与海外中国政治 (10:30-11:30 am)

Chair: Assoc. Prof. HUANG Jianli 黄坚立副教授

National University of Singapore

1. Changes and continuities between the ROC and PRC in their policies toward the Overseas Chinese, 1911–1966


Prof. HAN Xiaorong 韩孝荣教授

Lingnan University, Hongkong

Comment (English): Dr. Sören URBANSKY  吴若痕博士

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany

2. 中国政治在南洋:从厦大校长林文庆在新加坡遭枪击事件谈起

(China’s politics in Nanyang: Reflections from an assassination attempt in Singapore)

Assoc. Prof. WONG Sin Kiong 黄贤强副教授

National University of Singapore

Comment (Chinese): Assoc. Prof. FAN Hongwei 范宏伟副教授

Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Closing Ceremony(闭幕式): 11:30-11:45 am, Song-en Building 514 (颂恩楼514


Chair:         Prof. SHI Xueqin 施雪琴教授

Closing remark(致辞):

Prof. Sabine DABRINGHAUS 达素彬教授

Department of History, University of Freiburg, Germany


Lunch Time: 12:00-14:00 pm, Li Yu men Restaurant (鲤鱼门食府)


After-Conference Tour: 14:00-16:00 pm, Overseas Chinese Museum(华侨博物院)


Dinner: 18:00-20:00 pm, Taoran Restaurant (陶然私房菜)


Saturday, 18th May 2013 Day 4





For every paper, there will be half an hour of time, including five to ten minutes of author’s presentation, ten minutes of comment, then response by the author followed by a general discussion in the plenum. Authors only presents key points that he/she wants to stress.
