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发布时间:2023年09月28日 点击数:



东南亚是中国山水相连的邻邦,亦是华侨华人聚居的重要地区。华侨华人在东南亚国家的构建与现代化发展、中国与东南亚关系发展中扮演着不可忽视的重要角色。进入新的历史时期,东南亚各国政治经济发展面临复杂多变的国内、区域与国际形势。东南亚华侨华人是所在国社会的重要构成,是区域经济发展的重要动力以及连接东南亚与中国的纽带,正在面临新形势带来的机遇、风险与挑战。2013年,印尼University Kristen PetraSoegijapranata Catholic UniversityMaranatha Christian University与厦门大学联合发起“印尼华裔研究国际论坛”倡议,并于同年11月在印尼三宝垄召开首届会议,2020年该论坛扩展为“东南亚华裔研究国际论坛”。经论坛组委会协商同意,“第二届东南亚华裔研究国际论坛”拟于2024412-14日在厦门大学召开。会议将聚焦“东南亚动态变化中的华侨华人:机遇与挑战”这一主题,从多学科、多领域探讨华侨华人在中国—东南亚关系发展中的历史影响与现实意义。


1. 华侨华人与东南亚2030年可持续发展议程

2. 东南亚华侨华人与“一带一路”倡议

3. 华侨华人与中国—东盟关系的发展变化

4. 华侨华人与东南亚现代民族国家建设

5. 东南亚华侨华人与中国侨乡

6. 东南亚中国新老移民比较研究

7. 其他相关议题









有意参会者,请于20231115日前将回执发送至邮箱:rssasconf@xmu.edu.cn论文选题被接受后,主办单位将发出正式邀请函。拟参会者请于2024228日前提交全文,中文论文格式参考《南洋问题研究》,英文论文参照APA 7th






Call for Papers

The 2nd International Symposium on Southeast Asian Chinese

“Chinese Diaspora in the Dynamic Changes of Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges”

Southeast Asia, a region geographically closely connected to China, holds immense importance as a hub for Chinese diaspora communities. The Chinese diaspora has played an indispensable role in the development and modernization of Southeast Asian countries, as well as in fostering China's relations with Southeast Asia. In this new historical era, the political and economic developments Southeast Asian countries face are complex and ever-changing and are found at domestic, regional, and international levels. The Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia, as vital components of their countries, key drivers of regional economic growth, and crucial bridges connecting Southeast Asia and China, must navigate the opportunities, risks, and challenges brought about by these new circumstances.

In 2013, Indonesia’s University Kristen Petra, Soegijapranata Catholic University, and Maranatha Christian University, in collaboration with China’s Xiamen University, initiated the International Symposium on Indonesian Chinese Studies and successfully convened the first conference in November of the same year. Since 2020, this has been reframed as International Symposium on Southeast Asian Chinese. We are pleased to announce that the 2nd International Symposium on Southeast Asian Chinese will be held on April 12-14, 2024 at Xiamen University.

The symposium will focus on the theme of "Chinese Diaspora in the Dynamic Changes of Southeast Asia: Opportunities and Challenges." It aims to explore the historical significance and contemporary relevance of the Chinese diaspora in the development of relations between China and Southeast Asian countries from multidisciplinary and multifield perspectives. We welcome a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

1. Chinese diaspora and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal in Southeast Asia

2. Southeast Asian Chinese and the Belt and Road Initiative

3. Evolving role of Chinese Diaspora in China-ASEAN relations

4. Chinese Diaspora and the nation-building of modern Southeast Asia

5. Comparative studies of new and old Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia

Those who are interested in this symposium are welcome to submit an abstract related to the forementioned topics or related issues. Below are the details of the symposium:

I. Organizers:

School of International Relations and Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

II. Dates:

April 12-14, 2024

III. Languages:

Chinese and/or English

IV. Registration Fee:

There is no registration fee. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation for the duration of the symposium. Meals will be provided by the organizers.

Applicants should send submission materials to rssasconf@xmu.edu.cn no later than November 15, 2023. The application form is available online here. Submissions should be in Word format and must include the following: name, institutional affiliation, and contact information (email and phone); paper title and a 250-300 word abstract.

For accepted applicants, the organizing committee will issue an official invitation. Full papers should be submitted by February 28, 2024.

Application Form

Application Form.docx
